I’ve just realised that it is the first day of summer tomorrow…which means I better do my summer forecast…which means I need a photograph…please.
Usual rules:
- Must have weather. Must have summer weather – remember there is more than one type of weather in summer! I choose to fit the forecast.
- Must be the local area.
- Can be from any year, doesn’t need to be recent.
- Must be landscape-orientated, ie the width longer than the height. I know plenty of people ignore this, which is totally fine, crack on! But I only use landscape-orientated images.
No charity donation this quarter, I’m afraid, as my finances are a temporarily off-balance. Hopefully will revert next quarter.
Whoever’s photograph I choose will adorn the forecast and also be the cover photograph on Facebook for the next 3 months.
Please add them to the Facebook post or e-mail them. I cannot currently use them via Facebook messages.
The summer forecast will be issued…erm…Friday or Saturday, I guess.