Friday 7th June 2024

A reasonable weekend but cooler than normal – and the northerly strengthens next week.

Thanks to Tracy for the photograph.

So the general set-up for Friday and into the weekend sees high pressure to our west and just creeping into the south of the UK – with low pressure dominant to our north.

Friday starts gloriously sunny, but quite quickly lots of cloud will develop. Then for the rest of the day, generally fairly cloudy, some sunny spells, and a chance of an afternoon shower. Around 19’C and becoming breezy. Some cloud, some clear spells overnight, a small chance of a shower, around 11’C.

Saturday sees a weak weather front spreading south. Perhaps sunny spells to start but the weather front will spread down during the morning to bring cloud and a little occasional rain – most of the time it will be dry. More in the way of sunshine as the afternoon progresses. Reaching 18’C, which is below average for June but will feel pleasant enough in the afternoon sunshine. Breezy at times too. Clear skies overnight and a chilly night, down to around 6’C.

Sunday starts gloriously sunny, but cloud will spread down from the north-west to bring a mostly cloudy day once it sets in. Some uncertainty as to when the cloud arrives, any time from mid-morning to early afternoon – and hence maximum temperatures will depend on when the cloud arrives, so anywhere from 16’C to 20’C is possible. Breezy too. Cloud spreading south overnight with some rain later. Around 10’C.

By Monday we are in a straight-up northerly flow. Yuck. I’ll be in Spain…where it is going to be cool, cloudy and damp…even more yuck.

Some uncertainty on conditions – it will depend on how quickly the overnight weather front clears. So the morning is possibly cloudy with some rain, but this may have cleared by time you wake up – it could clear any time from 6am to 2pm, roughly. Followed by sunny spells and scattered showers, in an unusually cool wind for June. Maximum temperatures somewhere between 12’C and 17’C – depending on sunshine amounts. Clear skies overnight, down to a fairly chilly 6’C.

Tuesday starts sunny, but cloud will bubble up to bring a fairly cloudy day, some sunny spells at times, but also some showers – possibly heavy and thundery by this stage. The cool northerly wind remains, with temperatures around 17’C. Probably clear skies overnight, down to around 7’C.

A similar story more likely on Wednesday, a sunny start, plenty of cloud bubbling up and likely a fair few showers, which could be on the heavy side. Around 17’C, give or take.

Details becoming sketchy by Thursday, but arguably more likely dry, fairly cloudy and fairly cool.

Next weekend is uncertain, but the more likely outcome sees low pressure move in from the west, to bring rain and/or heavy showers. On the bright side, at least it will get rid of the cooler northerly flow – whether 19’C and heavy showers is preferable to 16’C and cloudy, I’m unsure!

That’s a fairly grim forecast for a summer month! Hints remain that things drastically improve for July, perhaps even by late June…but this could always change.

If it’s any consolation, I’m going to Spain for a long weekend, and the forecast is cloudy, wet and 17’C. Yay. Not sure when the next forecast will be…maybe not until Wednesday, we’ll see!

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